The Netherlands is my second home.

The Netherlands is my second home.

Monday, September 22, 2014

pumpkin spice & chunky scarves

I have decided not to do a video this week (again), so you will just have to bear with my writing.
This week was not very exciting; it was actually the laziest week I have had so far.
I have not (even come close) to finishing all my reading for homework and although I ran longer than ever before, I took more naps than runs this week.
Side note on the running thing, I am making (attempting) my new normal 40 minutes of running non-stop.  I've done it twice this week, so I know I am capable physically.  It's just if I can be mentally ready for that every time I lace up my tennies.
The reason why I ran for forty minutes on the first day was because of my terrible running route.
Have you ever been scared for your safety whilst on a run?
Well I experienced that in possibly the safest country in the world.
I ran 20 minutes away from civilization and was forced to run the same way back.  It was horrible, but good that I have a new fitness goal to keep up with I guess.

Enough about exercise, let's talk about coffee!
I was literally dreaming about pumpkin spice lattes so naturally I had to go get one this week at Starbucks.
The only one here is at the train station, so it's a good study break (distraction) to go with friends and drink some autumn from a mug.
Speaking of coffee, I had some with my study abroad advisor and her husband this evening.  It was so good to see someone from home and talk about my experience to someone who genuinely wants to know how things are going so she can recommend other students to come to this wonderful place.
The coffee shop was awesome.  Apparently the barista there is called the "coffee Nazi." I'm not sure why but he ordered for me and was not taking no for an answer.  He gave me a flat white (equal to a cafe au lait for you Americans - a misto for you Starbucks peeps - and half coffee, half steamed milk for those who have no idea what I'm talking about).
These drinks are of course featured in the pictures below.

I am hoping that IKEA breakfast turns into a weekly tradition because it's just so dang good for one euro and it's a lot of fun to go with friends.  This week we got friendship pandas.
You read that right, friendship pandas.  I have a picture of mine below...
Her name is Ellie (short for Eleanor) and I hug her at night to fall asleep.

Another accomplishment (aka. distraction from reading for school) was taking up knitting again!
Martha and I decided we wanted a new hobby so on Saturday we bought knitting needles and yarn and looked up YouTube videos on knitting to refresh our memories and hopped to it.
I have never finished a knitting project before in my life, but for some reason, this one only took two days.
I am giving this scarf (picture below and/or on Instagram @lazhearn) to Sophie for her birthday tomorrow, but according to my procrastination skills, many other scarves will be produced during my time here.

I literally just got done FaceTiming my besties and have talked to a lot of peeps from America this week so that's been a nice little pinch from home sweet home.

Well, I told ya that I didn't have much to say about this week, but I have a lot more words than makes that true, so thanks for reading if you did!  I hope you enjoy the pictures.  They are all from my phone, so not the best quality compared to a Nikon.
BUT London is this weekend, so there will be plenty of pictures up next week, so stay tuned.


Sophie is my friend <3

Mississippi Mud Pie

FALL stands for Friends, Autumn, Lattes, & Love

Bad quality picture, good quality scarf (made with love).

Coffee that you don't have to order or pay for is pretty nice.

This is Ellie. She is a great cuddle buddy.

Monday, September 15, 2014

week 3

So I actually did record a video for this week, but it was super lame because I couldn't get my thoughts together about what I even did this week so here it is in pictures!  
We had a lovely group trip to the Hague and Rotterdam and it was beautiful!  The Netherlands has such neat architecture.  The museums were free in the Hague for the past weekend, so we got to go into museums and the Parliament buildings and places we wouldn't have normally gone.  
The beach was amazing and we had dinner at an Italian restaurant where we think our waiter forgot about us but was delicious nonetheless.
After that we went out on the town but called it an early night and slept at our hostel, which was quite nice for the price.
In the morning we went to Rotterdam and strolled around.  It was very city-like with shopping and a ton of McDonalds.  We were refreshed with sangria after a long and tiring two days of walking and finally made it back to the train and back home.
Today I was literally in bed for the entire day doing homework and laundry and things of that nature.
Tomorrow it's back to the old grind for my two days of class and we will see what's in store for the weekend!
Hope you enjoy the pictures.


Swinging on the oldest tree in The Hague ^^

Twins ^^

Inside one of the Parliament buildings ^^

Police parade ^^

Inside more Parliament buildings ^^

Really cool sand art! ^^

I believe this art collection belonged to William of Orange ^^

Adam and Eve ^^

He's not real but he is wearing clogs ^^

I fell in love with the seaside.

Tons of wind surfers! ^^

The beach is always a good idea ^^

Twinkly lights and alcohol. ^^

Welcome to Rotterdam ^^

Giant chess!

Somehow I ended up with a only my king and a pawn ^^

Slagroom is love. ^^

Admiring the architecture ^^

Really awesome houses ^^

"Water bus" ^^

The Dutch love their canals.  And I do too. ^^

(most of) the gang ^^


Sangria. ^^

That concludes pictures from my weekend trip, but I wanted to share a few phone pictures from during the week since they all don't make it onto social media! 

Happy birthday to Karen!  We celebrated quite nicely.

IKEA breakfast, nom.

An oldie from Amsterdam last week.

View from Grote Markt in Groningen!


coffee for two?

a shot from my run this week

Fun at the pub.

see you next week, xo