The Netherlands is my second home.

The Netherlands is my second home.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

a TOMS makeover

This is not the first time I've made over my shoes.
Whenever my TOMS develop holes or just get too old to wear, I like to give them a few loving snips and bring them back to life.
It has worked everytime because they go from sitting untouched in the back of my closet, to on my feet at all times.
This pair in particular was just a little too small for comfort, so I took care of that problem.
I needed a new pair of sandals, so why not save money and make some unused shoes into a new pair?
I loved the outcome and will probably wear these until they fall apart.

Before and After!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

the perfect post-workout smoothie

So I went on a 7am run this morning.  Whenever this happens, I feel so accomplished and proud of myself.  It doesn't happen often, though it should.  I wasn't feeling too hungry after my run, but knew I needed breakfast.  Not putting fuel into my body would have been a major no-no.
So I opted for a smoothie.  They are easy, light, and fill you up just right when you don't have the munchies.
This smoothie recipe is one of my favorites.  The only thing is that I usually only make this one after a workout.  It is so delicious that it will make you want to exercise every day just so you can replenish your body with this tasty (and might I add, very healthy) snack.

What you will need:

1.  one frozen banana
2.  1 tbs peanut butter
3.  1/4 cup oats
4.  1 tbs flax seed
5.  around 1/2 cup almond milk (use any milk of preference)

Throw all of that in the blender!

And vwa-la! The best post-workout smoothie you could ask for.
Packed full of protein, fiber, carbs, and calcium.
Don't forget to rehydrate with some delicious H2O as well :)


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

home sweet Charleston home --> sneek peek

I have been so behind getting pictures of my new house up for you guys. It may be due to the fact we are still in the process of decorating...  I have a treat though:  a sneek peek of my room!  I am pretty satisfied with the decorations in there right now, so I will have more pictures up pronto.

Blogging is such a stress relief for me- a very good outlet.  And believe me, it has been a STRESSFUL two weeks.  I'm talking about eating ice-cream every day as a coping strategy.  I have got to turn to a better outlet which is why I am trying to keep up with you guys on my blog.  Thank you for keeping in touch with this little tidbit of my life!

And here she is:

more later...(I promise)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

peanut butter & banana waffles

My favorite combination inside my favorite breakfast.  Nothing could be better.
Find the recipe here.

(Shhh...they're vegan)

cake isn't the only sweet thing in my life

 My best friends are such a gift.  And I'm happy that they love dessert as much as I do...

Hayden, the newest edition to the ladiez

Ashley, she can DIY anything
Becca, who never fails to make you laugh
Emily, she will pain masterpieces for a living

Hannah, the sweetest soul with a feisty side

Jen, has the most genuine listening ears I know
And me, having my cake and eating it too, surrounded by some of the greatest people in the world.

Friendship is so sweet.  It is made even sweeter by Jesus because it can last for an eternity.  Wherever life takes us, these girls will forever be in my heart. 
Love you guys.

"better than Chipotle" burrito bowl

This is the perfect meal if you are cooking for one.  It also has all the nutrition you can ask for: protein, fiber, veggies, healthy fats, and carbs.  Nothing could be better!  Another plus:  it is so simple.
Here is everything you need:
  • 1/2 cup quinoa
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 can beans of your choice (I like black or pinto)
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1/2 green bell pepper
  • 1/2 yellow or red bell pepper
  • 1/8 vidalia or red onion
  • 1/2 tomato
  • 2-3 button mushrooms
  • dollop of guacamole (store bought or homemade*)
  • salsa 
What to do:
1.  Cook your quinoa according to the directions on the box.  It usually takes 15 minutes, so do this first.
2.  Heat up your beans, microwave or stovetop.
3.  Dice up all of your veggies and set aside.  Since you are only using half of each veggie, store them in plastic bags in the fridge.
3.  Sautee all of your vegetables together in a pan on medium heat.  I cook them in olive oil.
4.  Once your quinoa, beans and vegetables are ready, put them in a bowl in that order.  
5.  Add your toppings.  I only use guacamole and salsa, but cheese and sour cream would be a great addition for you dairy lovers out there!
6.  Grab a bag of tortilla chips and enjoy!

This meal is vegan, gluten free, dairy free (if you don't add cheese), and an excellent healthy choice if you are craving a Chipotle burrito bowl but don't want to leave the house.  I usually keep all of these ingredients on hand at my house, so it is always a quick delicious meal that I enjoy every time!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

trips to the fabric store

I have been sewing like crazy lately! My mom and I had to team up and work on stuff for my room (in my new house! - pictures later..).  It took us all last week of late nights and early mornings and we are still not finished with everything I need.
The All About Fabrics sale is the best thing going on once a month.  It is fun looking at all the remnants and buttons and all the fun things.  And the prices are way better than normal fabric stores! I recommend it if you have some big sewing projects to look at.  Just go to their website and check out when the next sale is:

Friday, August 2, 2013

you've done it again, YoungLife.

I am back from Oregon and have never wanted to return to a place more than I do Creekside right this minute.  The friends, the food, the Jesus all added up to being more than incredible.
Going in, I had no idea what to expect.  God had a clean slate to work with.
Well he decided to rock my world with it.

I think I've talked my tongue off telling stories this week about it, so I'm at a loss for words at the moment.  This is just a taste of what the Lord did for me and through me in Oregon in these past three weeks...I will definitely have more to add in the future because this will be a part of my life forever.