The Netherlands is my second home.

The Netherlands is my second home.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Hello readers!  I know I haven't posted in a while...winter took a toll on my motivation levels all around.  But it is almost summer and I am back in business. 
I was randomly inspired this morning for this blog post in particular, and thought I should get back to blogging.  There are a lot of exciting things coming up that I can write about, so get ready!

Today I come to you concerning nicknames.  You know, those silly pet names that can catch on after one person dearly comes up with one?  
Do you enjoy things like that?
Well, I know I do.  Heck, the name I go by is a nickname.  (Lizzi = Elizabeth)
I am very fond of the names people give me, even if they are to make fun.
I think I just like having someone know me enough to think they can call me something new.

Here they are, listing the ones that I can think of:
Lizzi B.
Lizzi Bean (or just Bean)
Hearnie (wow, that's an old one)
The Hulk (not my favorite)
Pup (pet names are great)

I'm sure there are a few that don't derive from my name (I guess the only one that stuck was the hulk), but none come to mind currently.

My favorite nickname ever is Laz, but that one is reserved for only a select few.  

Lizzi Bean is a sweet work nickname, and fitting since it's at starbucks.  I could be a coffee flavor! The Lizzi Bean, I wonder how that would taste.  Hopefully light and fresh (hehe).

Enough about me though, what are some of your favorite nicknames? Feel free to comment, and I will talk to you again soon.
