The Netherlands is my second home.

The Netherlands is my second home.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Let me just tell you,
today was AWFUL.

I am not a huge fan of tomatoes by themselves.  I just cannot do it, so i cheated a little bit..
Today was the first day of the cleanse that I wanted to say screw it and give up.
I pushed through it though and made it to tonight!
Only two days left - yay!

I can say though that I honestly do not feel any physically different.  I'm pretty sure my pants still feel the same and I had some tummy trouble (as recorded earlier) along the way.
These facts are somewhat discouraging and very frustrating but what I can tell you that changed was my mindset on food.
I fell that I will no longer be so mindless and uncaring when it comes to what I'm putting in my body.
Eating is as mental as it is physical and food does not have to defeat me.

It's kind of funny because my mom has been sending me other detox diets that I want to definitely try just not any time soon.
She is also sending me work out routines and plans which I don't know if I should take offensively or graciously.
She always means well.

Okay, my menu today:
2 egg whites
1 tomato
(scrambled together)

salad from Moe's
-romaine lettuce
-pico de gallo
-salsa vinaigrette

sautèed tomato
spaghetti squash

spinach salad
1 tomato
squeezed lemon juice

cycling class

I "cheated" by eating lettuce, cucumbers, and spaghetti squash, which I do not feel too guilty about because what harm are those things really going to do, right?
I had to make eating all of those tomatoes bearable somehow.
I still didn't eat 6 like I was supposed to either.

By the way, I did Pilates after I posted yesterday, so yay for exercise!  My roommate Stephanie did it with me, which was awesome.  The only bad thing is that I used it as a substitute for studying for my Spanish test this morning...oops.

Side note: I am making the cabbage soup I have to eat all day Wednesday as I type right now and it is smelling oh so tasty.  I can't wait to give it a try! (It better be good because it's my breakfast lunch and dinner on the last day).

Keep rooting for me! So close...

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